Book I Dictionary
Click anywhere to go to the dictionary

Using the dictionary

There is a      speaker icon (or '>' symbol if you are using an older browser) in front of each entry in the dictionary. Click the speaker icon to hear the Latin entry read aloud. Click the '?' symbol at the start of the line to see the different forms the Latin word can take. The '*' symbols show which words are included in the checklists at the end of CLC stages.

You can move around the dictionary with the keyboard as well as the mouse. Press the up and down arrow keys to move from entry to entry. Press the Page Up, Page Down, Home, and End keys to move larger distances. The selected entry is shown by the small red block after the speaker icon. Press the Space bar to hear the Latin entry read aloud, and press the '?' (or '/') key to display forms of the word.

To look up a word quickly just start typing the first few letters of the word. Press Backspace to delete the last letter you typed, and press the Del or Escape key to clear what you have typed.